Thank for this. So far I have only watched Bianda Paiva Raw scene and I am already feeling hot here! every scene is gold :).
Mich says:
11:43 am
My favorite are the threesome scenes, you should check out the Jhoany Wilker video @BB. I am sure you will explode in your chair or bed wherever you are :)
BB says:
12:34 pm
Ohh that sounds hot, Ill be jumping to that scene in a bit. BTW can I download the video in my local PC?
Mich says:
12:42 pm
Yes when you are in the video page instead of clicking the link, right click your mouse and "save target as" it will save the video as wmv. Hope that helps :)
Brun0 says:
1:35 pm
I cannot believe a hunk like me gets banged by a shemale with tits from behind. This cannot be true the hunk is screaming like a little girl LOL
DiiID says:
2:12 pm
TITS with DICKSSSS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Hide that ass!!! run for your anals lives!!!
AnMale says:
2:46 pm
Nothing beats a blonde shemale having huge tits with big dick getting into a young dudes asshole. I can actually hear that dude scream like hell! lol
DiiID says:
2:52 pm
yeah thoes sexy shemale with dicks set my standards in choosing tranny. Love it! I can give you my number if want someone to watch shemale videos with you? :)
Alexis says:
3:37 pm
I actually know
Yago Ribeiro personally, glad she is making it big time now ;-) congrats to you my lovely shemale friend!
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